School-based Student Care Centre @ Opera Estate Primary School
48 Fidelio St, Singapore 458436
Contact : 9667 0687 | Email :

Welcome to Opera Estate Primary School Student Care Centre
(Please select ONE of the following)
MARCH Attendance ForecastSCC 2025 CoverLetterExpression of InterestParent's HandbookGIRO FORM (Download)

Powered by a pool of passionate and experienced educators, our school-based student care centre provides a safe and conducive learning environment for every child to develop good character and acquire life skills for the future.

Our Services and Programmes
We offer a unique holistic development programme to meet the needs of the students in the Student Care Centre. Our programme includes:-
* Meal (Lunch and Tea-Break)
* Nap Time
* Homework Supervision (Study Time)
* Character Development
* Enrichment Programme
* Outdoor Activities
* Holidays Programmes

Our Fees Structure 

Fee Amount Remarks
Monthly Student Care Fee $270 Before SCFA subsidies if any
Registration Fee $20 One-Time, non refundable
SCC Uniform $30 Set of 3 SCC T-shirts, additional T-shirt at $12 each
Deposit $270 Refundable with one month after withdrawal
Full Day Student Care $5 $5 surcharge for full day student care during school holidays and non-school days.
Total Fee Payable $590 Payable upon Registration
Cover Letter (Click to download)